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How I reduced my Blood pressure naturally by 20 points - part 1

Updated: May 19

A digital BP machine showing an healthy BP of 95/63
My morning blood pressure

I am in my mid-forties, 181cm tall, and weigh 69 kg. My blood pressure was averaging at 125/85. These numbers are within the healthy limit. However, there has been a steady increase in the last few years, even though I have a very active lifestyle. For all you know, I might have got into the high BP category like many other men of my age but of these changes. Let’s start by focusing on what changes were made in food consumption to reduce high blood pressure naturally. After all, garbage in garbage out!

Probiotic to naturally reduce high Blood pressure - Kefir

Curd is the most common probiotic consumed in Indian households. Curd enhances the nutritional properties of milk but is not a good probiotic. The bacteria in curd don’t survive our stomach. Taking a closer look at our food, we barely take any probiotics. Based on a recommendation from my father, a doctor by profession, I introduced Kefir. The changes were visible in 3–4 months. Let’s take a closer look

Image of Kefir grains

What is Kefir

Kefir is a type of fermented milk, only with way more good bacteria than curd. Kefir contains over 50 different good bacteria. Many of these bacteria are capable of surviving the acidity of the stomach and reaches our gut. All this goodness has almost the same look, feel, and taste as curd. Only those gifted with a stronger sense of taste can tell the difference.

How does it enhance digestion?

These additional bacteria and yeast improve food absorption in many ways, namely

  1. They are better at breaking down complex macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and fat) into smaller molecules aiding better absorption.

  2. Increase absorption of micronutrients like calcium, zinc, and iron from grains that otherwise are impossible. Kefir’s bacteria produce enzymes capable of breaking down antinutrient phytic acid in grains. This antinutrient prevents absorption.

  3. Generation of vitamin K2. Kefir contains certain strains of lactic acid bacteria capable of converting vitamin K1 present in milk into vitamin K2 — an essential element in regulating calcium in our body.

NOTE: There are many other potential benefits like improving the gut barrier and preventing harmful substances from getting into our body. This is for another blog!

How does Vitamin K2 reduce high Blood Pressure?

Vitamin K2 is known to prevent calcium from depositing in the arterial wall. This helps maintain vascular elasticity and function. The elasticity ensures proper dilation and constriction (also known as Endothelial function) of blood vessels thus maintaining normal blood pressure. Vitamin K2 is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. By reducing inflammation vitamin K2 indirectly contributes to lowering blood pressure.

As a positive side effect, vitamin K2 also re-directs calcium from blood vessels to bones and teeth where it is needed. This can help improve bone strength and density common with aging; more prominent in women.

Where to buy

I got it from Amazon. I tried the following two brands and both gave good Kefir:

You will find two types of kefir products:

  • The starter culture pack: available in powdered form, like the ones mentioned above. They are easier to use. You will need to buy it again once it is consumed

  • Kefir live grains: Slightly cumbersome to use. On the positive side, the granules are re-usable and should, in theory, last a lifetime

How to prepare and consume

I prefer the simplicity of culture to grains as mentioned in steps below:

  • Mix the starter pack in lukewarm milk. Leave it overnight to ferment.

  • To get a thicker consistency, use less milk than recommended in the instructions.

  • You can use some amount of Kefir from this batch to ferment the next batch of milk; just like curd. This process can be repeated multiple times.

  • I mostly get good consistency Kefir 15-20 times, after which I need to use a fresh starter pack.

I consumed a single bowl of kefir with jaggery immediately after lunch.

Note: Store the rest of the packets in the fridge. Leaving them spoils the powder even when sealed.

Other probiotic alternates

  • You will find probiotic capsules in the market. Fermenting milk using these tables and consuming the fermented milk provides much more benefit than consuming the capsules.

  • You will find a lot of ready-to-use probiotics in the form of yogurt. The effectiveness of bacteria is less due to the following reasons:

    • Preservatives used to increase shelf life reduce the effectiveness of bacteria.

    • These products are treated to reduce the potency of bacteria to prevent them from being used as starter packs at home

I hope this blog gives you enough motivation and information to try this wonder food to improve your health. Do try it and share your experiences. the

Do send a comment if any questions and we will get back to you.

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Excellent information.. my gratifications to Dr Sinha and you for sharing

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Sincerely hope this actually helps someone in managing BP without medicines. BTW There is more coming :-)

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