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10 reasons to start Functional fitness - the ultimate guide

Updated: Feb 6

Different type of exercises involved in Functional fitness

WHY - 10 reasons to start functional fitness

There are well-known benefits of exercise for physical, mental, and emotional health. All of which is available for anyone practicing Functional Fitness. I am not going to re-iterate these items. Instead, I will highlight 10 reasons were functional fitness scores over others giving enough reason for you to start today.

  1. The most practical form of fitness gives the maximum advantage in doing your day-to-day activities. Functional fitness covers all muscle groups as compared to the most common physical activities (e.g. walking, running, and cycling) which are limited.

  2. As a beginner, it is always a bit hard and maybe embarrassing to go to a public place. I remember going to the gym and reducing weights on machines was always a bit embarrassing!! Since there is no equipment needed, Functional fitness can be done in the privacy of the home. A great boon for shy beginners.

  3. This ability to perform functional fitness at home brings some very practical benefits

    1. Weather-resistant. Your routine will not get disrupted because of Rain, cold, wind, or the sun.

    2. No need to travel which makes it better for today's busy lifestyle.

  4. Once can start Functional fitness without any upfront cost. No equipment, no special gear, or expensive shoes.

  5. Functional fitness gives the best opportunity to become a great all-rounder - strength, muscle, balance, flexibility, agility, and hand-eye coordination.

  6. The variety ensures you will never get bored. There are always new variations, combinations, and challenges to keep everyone engaged.

  7. Another benefit of variety is the ability to choose very different challenges which train you to get out of your comfort zone. While deciding to run a full marathon after a half is challenging, it does throw you off completely. Moving between a parkour-based challenge (Muscle-up) to a Calisthenic-based challenge will make you quite uncomfortable.

  8. Building grit to achieve long-term goals. Participants have to do exercises that are very different from the end goal. The initial part of the journey is full of doubts. Such training teaches us to sail through these doubts and chase goals. Once you develop this attitude it will start showing in all aspects of life.

  9. Can make fitness interesting family time - Allows group activities bringing fun to even people who do not get excited about fitness.

  10. Cool showoff opportunities and bragging rights even in places where you cannot show skin!

WHAT is functional fitness?

Functional fitness (or Functional training or Functional movement) is training to prepare you to perform day-to-day activities easily and efficiently. Traditionally examples are from the realm of physical activities - lifting a child or putting a heavy suitcase in a car. Doing deadlifts in the gym doesn't help because the environment is very different. But we have challenged this definition. To be effective in the real world you also need the ability to handle pressure and work in collaboration with your colleagues. So we don't limit. Our definition of functional fitness is training to prepare your body and mind to perform at the top of your level.

Do other forms don't help with day-to-day activity?

Every form of exercise does involve some elements that can be classified as functional fitness. However, the focus of various forms is different. E.g. traditional bodybuilding focuses on muscle building and mostly involves working a single muscle in a specific position which is not always natural. Gymnastic focuses on jumps, and somersaults. Again an extreme degree of focus is not needed for the average person.

For an average person like you and me interested in fitness and living a strong, injury-free healthy life we don't have to put time into these other forms.

Yoga has a strong focus on balance and breath which helps in bringing mental quietude.

What types of exercises are part of Functional Fitness

Traditionally, Functional fitness started with combining weights with compound movement that would target multiple muscle groups. With time, various other forms started contributing like HIIT.

5 different forms of exercise contributing to Functional fitness

We at PowerFlexFitness, take inspiration from different forms of exercise, in particular - calisthenics, parkour, HIIT, Gymnastics, and Yoga. The activities would involve various forms of push, pull, twist, stretch, balance, and jump. Most of these exercises or activities don't require any equipment. Some of them need basic equipment that can be easily found in any open park e.g. hanging bars or parallel bars. Overall this form gives the freedom of a vast range of exercises - almost unlimited. Check out this clipping showing a typical functional fitness training


Age no bar. Gender no bar.

The wide range of exercises allows people of all ages and with any level of fitness to gain from this form. Hear some of our younger students rave about the training. It is a great way for the entire family to workout together.

The wide variety and dynamic nature make Functional fitness a great choice for those starting their fitness journey.

I am interested in weight loss. Will I benefit?

Yes. Functional fitness is a great way to increase calorie burning. It has elements of strength training and intense cardio. A good workout routine will engage all muscles in your body. This can help target fat reduction that is hard to lose. E.g. I lost a couple of inches when I started running. There was scope for reduction but running was not effective. During COVID times, I gave time to Functional fitness instead of running. Within months I lost an additional few inches around my belly. Most of our customers have had varying degrees of weight loss depending on diet control.

Note: It is important to create a calorie deficit healthy diet along with physical activity to lose weight.

Is it safe and beneficial for my children to take functional fitness training?

Yes, functional fitness is safe for children of any age. Exercise and activities utilize body weight and free-form movements. These only add constructively to child growth. Elements of parkour are not only fun but also help build balance, coordination strength, and confidence in children.

I am into endurance running/triathlons. Will I benefit?

Yes. Including functional fitness in your training will help you become faster and stay injury-free.

Per the Nike blog, upper body muscle is one of the seven muscle groups involved in running. Even the most basic functional fitness routine will include activities like push-ups, and pull-ups which develop upper body strength.

Functional fitness includes many interesting leg workouts like Squat movements, Lunges, various jump routines, and balancing exercises. These contribute to stronger legs, and better muscle coordination leading to faster, injury-free running.

One can argue that legs and upper body strength can be developed with running. But this is not possible for the core. One must dedicate time to core strengthening. Functional fitness can make core strengthening a fun activity.

Many of our customers are marathoners and triathletes. They include two days of Functional Fitness training along with the rest of their sports training.

I play racquet sports (Tennis, badminton, TT, squash...). Will I benefit?

Yes. Professional players spend around 30%-40% of their time on strength training. They have sports-specific strength sessions daily. As amateurs, A minimum of 2 days a week functional fitness session is a must to ensure that you develop overall strength to stay injury-free and continue to improve your sports performance.

Racquet sports are highly asymmetric. To avoid long-term complications, it is important to train the body parts that do not actively participate in the sport.

I want to start running or start racquet sports. Will I benefit?

Functional fitness is highly recommended for those middle-aged population planning to start any sports or running. You cannot run a car that has been rusting for years to max speed without servicing and oiling. If you try, it will cause a breakdown. The story is similar for our bodies and we have seen it so often.

I am into muscle building. Will I benefit?

You will develop muscles and a good body shape with functional fitness. Remember its primary goal is not to build muscles. You will get better and faster results with the traditional approach of hitting the gym.

Note: Health checks/doctor consultations for the elderly or people with health issues should always be followed before starting new physical activity.


In short - Anytime!

A full session of workout should have at least a 2-hour gap from a meal. A single exercise that does not involve too much movement can be done much quicker.

We know some of our friends often get into a plank position while taking a remote meeting at home! ;-)


In short - anywhere!

The majority of the activities are done without any equipment. You can start from the comfort of your home or meeting rooms. A neighboring park can be a good venue.

So what are you waiting for? We will be happy to come up with motivations and ways to start your fitness journey.


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